Source code for functional.util

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import collections
import math
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain, count, islice, takewhile
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

import dill as serializer
import six

if six.PY2:
    PROTOCOL = 2
CPU_COUNT = cpu_count()

[docs]def is_primitive(val): """ Checks if the passed value is a primitive type. >>> is_primitive(1) True >>> is_primitive("abc") True >>> is_primitive(True) True >>> is_primitive({}) False >>> is_primitive([]) False >>> is_primitive(set([])) :param val: value to check :return: True if value is a primitive, else False """ return isinstance(val, (str, bool, float, complex, bytes, six.text_type) + six.string_types + six.integer_types)
[docs]def is_namedtuple(val): """ Use Duck Typing to check if val is a named tuple. Checks that val is of type tuple and contains the attribute _fields which is defined for named tuples. :param val: value to check type of :return: True if val is a namedtuple """ val_type = type(val) bases = val_type.__bases__ if len(bases) != 1 or bases[0] != tuple: return False fields = getattr(val_type, '_fields', None) return all(isinstance(n, str) for n in fields)
[docs]def identity(arg): """ Function which returns the argument. Used as a default lambda function. >>> obj = object() >>> obj is identity(obj) True :param arg: object to take identity of :return: return arg """ return arg
[docs]def is_iterable(val): """ Check if val is not a list, but is a collections.Iterable type. This is used to determine when list() should be called on val >>> l = [1, 2] >>> is_iterable(l) False >>> is_iterable(iter(l)) True :param val: value to check :return: True if it is not a list, but is a collections.Iterable """ if isinstance(val, list): return False return isinstance(val, collections.Iterable)
[docs]def is_tabulatable(val): if is_primitive(val): return False if is_iterable(val) or is_namedtuple(val) or isinstance(val, list): return True return False
[docs]def split_every(parts, iterable): """ Split an iterable into parts of length parts >>> l = iter([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> split_every(2, l) [[1, 2], [3, 4]] :param iterable: iterable to split :param parts: number of chunks :return: return the iterable split in parts """ return takewhile(bool, (list(islice(iterable, parts)) for _ in count()))
[docs]def unpack(packed): """ Unpack the function and args then apply the function to the arguments and return result :param packed: input packed tuple of (func, args) :return: result of applying packed function on packed args """ func, args = serializer.loads(packed) result = func(*args) if isinstance(result, collections.Iterable): return list(result) return None
[docs]def pack(func, args): """ Pack a function and the args it should be applied to :param func: Function to apply :param args: Args to evaluate with :return: Packed (func, args) tuple """ return serializer.dumps((func, args), PROTOCOL)
[docs]def parallelize(func, result, processes=None, partition_size=None): """ Creates an iterable which is lazily computed in parallel from applying func on result :param func: Function to apply :param result: Data to apply to :param processes: Number of processes to use in parallel :param partition_size: Size of partitions for each parallel process :return: Iterable of applying func on result """ parallel_iter = lazy_parallelize( func, result, processes=processes, partition_size=partition_size) return chain.from_iterable(parallel_iter)
[docs]def lazy_parallelize(func, result, processes=None, partition_size=None): """ Lazily computes an iterable in parallel, and returns them in pool chunks :param func: Function to apply :param result: Data to apply to :param processes: Number of processes to use in parallel :param partition_size: Size of partitions for each parallel process :return: Iterable of chunks where each chunk as func applied to it """ if processes is None or processes < 1: processes = CPU_COUNT else: processes = min(processes, CPU_COUNT) partition_size = partition_size or compute_partition_size(result, processes) pool = Pool(processes=processes) partitions = split_every(partition_size, iter(result)) packed_partitions = (pack(func, (partition, )) for partition in partitions) for pool_result in pool.imap(unpack, packed_partitions): yield pool_result pool.terminate()
[docs]def compute_partition_size(result, processes): """ Attempts to compute the partition size to evenly distribute work across processes. Defaults to 1 if the length of result cannot be determined. :param result: Result to compute on :param processes: Number of processes to use :return: Best partition size """ try: return max(math.ceil(len(result) / processes), 1) except TypeError: return 1
[docs]def compose(*functions): """ Compose all the function arguments together :param functions: Functions to compose :return: Single composed function """ # pylint: disable=undefined-variable return reduce(lambda f, g: lambda x: f(g(x)), functions, lambda x: x)