Source code for functional.transformations

from __future__ import absolute_import

from functools import partial
from itertools import dropwhile, takewhile, islice, count, product, chain, starmap
import collections
import types

from future.builtins import map, filter, zip, range

import six
from functional.execution import ExecutionStrategies

#: Defines a Transformation from a name, function, and execution_strategies
Transformation = collections.namedtuple(
    'Transformation', ['name', 'function', 'execution_strategies']

#: Cache transformation
CACHE_T = Transformation('cache', None, None)

[docs]def name(function): """ Retrieve a pretty name for the function :param function: function to get name from :return: pretty name """ if isinstance(function, types.FunctionType): return function.__name__ else: return str(function)
[docs]def map_t(func): """ Transformation for :param func: map function :return: transformation """ return Transformation('map({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(map, func), {ExecutionStrategies.PARALLEL})
[docs]def select_t(func): """ Transformation for :param func: select function :return: transformation """ return Transformation('select({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(map, func), {ExecutionStrategies.PARALLEL})
[docs]def starmap_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.starmap and Sequence.smap :param func: starmap function :return: transformation """ return Transformation('starmap({})'.format(name(func)), partial(starmap, func), {ExecutionStrategies.PARALLEL})
[docs]def filter_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.filter :param func: filter function :return: transformation """ return Transformation('filter({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(filter, func), {ExecutionStrategies.PARALLEL})
[docs]def where_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.where :param func: where function :return: transformation """ return Transformation('where({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(filter, func), {ExecutionStrategies.PARALLEL})
[docs]def filter_not_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.filter_not :param func: filter_not function :return: transformation """ return Transformation('filter_not({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(six.moves.filterfalse, func), {ExecutionStrategies.PARALLEL})
[docs]def reversed_t(): """ Transformation for Sequence.reverse :return: transformation """ return Transformation('reversed', reversed, [ExecutionStrategies.PRE_COMPUTE])
[docs]def slice_t(start, until): """ Transformation for Sequence.slice :param start: start index :param until: until index (does not include element at until) :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'slice({0}, {1})'.format(start, until), lambda sequence: islice(sequence, start, until), None )
[docs]def distinct_t(): """ Transformation for Sequence.distinct :return: transformation """ def distinct(sequence): return iter(set(sequence)) return Transformation('distinct', distinct, None)
[docs]def distinct_by_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.distinct_by :param func: distinct_by function :return: transformation """ def distinct_by(sequence): distinct_lookup = {} for element in sequence: key = func(element) if key not in distinct_lookup: distinct_lookup[key] = element return distinct_lookup.values() return Transformation('distinct_by({0})'.format(name(func)), distinct_by, None)
[docs]def sorted_t(key=None, reverse=False): """ Transformation for Sequence.sorted :param key: key to sort by :param reverse: reverse or not :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'sorted', lambda sequence: sorted(sequence, key=key, reverse=reverse), None )
[docs]def order_by_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.order_by :param func: order_by function :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'order_by({0})'.format(name(func)), lambda sequence: sorted(sequence, key=func), None )
[docs]def drop_right_t(n): """ Transformation for Sequence.drop_right :param n: number to drop from right :return: transformation """ if n <= 0: end_index = None else: end_index = -n return Transformation( 'drop_right({0})'.format(n), lambda sequence: sequence[:end_index], None )
[docs]def drop_t(n): """ Transformation for Sequence.drop :param n: number to drop from left :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'drop({0})'.format(n), lambda sequence: islice(sequence, n, None), None )
[docs]def drop_while_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.drop_while :param func: drops while func is true :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'drop_while({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(dropwhile, func), None )
[docs]def take_t(n): """ Transformation for Sequence.take :param n: number to take :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'take({0})'.format(n), lambda sequence: islice(sequence, 0, n), None )
[docs]def take_while_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.take_while :param func: takes while func is True :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'take_while({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(takewhile, func), None )
[docs]def flat_map_impl(func, sequence): """ Implementation for flat_map_t :param func: function to map :param sequence: sequence to flat_map over :return: flat_map generator """ for element in sequence: for value in func(element): yield value
[docs]def flat_map_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.flat_map :param func: function to flat_map :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'flat_map({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(flat_map_impl, func), {ExecutionStrategies.PARALLEL} )
[docs]def flatten_t(): """ Transformation for Sequence.flatten :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'flatten', partial(flat_map_impl, lambda x: x), {ExecutionStrategies.PARALLEL} )
[docs]def zip_t(zip_sequence): """ Transformation for :param zip_sequence: sequence to zip with :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'zip(<sequence>)', lambda sequence: zip(sequence, zip_sequence), None )
[docs]def zip_with_index_t(start): """ Transformation for Sequence.zip_with_index :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'zip_with_index', lambda sequence: zip(sequence, count(start=start)), None )
[docs]def enumerate_t(start): """ Transformation for Sequence.enumerate :param start: start index for enumerate :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'enumerate', lambda sequence: enumerate(sequence, start=start), None )
[docs]def cartesian_t(iterables, repeat): """ Transformation for Sequence.cartesian :param iterables: elements for cartesian product :param repeat: how many times to repeat iterables :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'cartesian', lambda sequence: product(sequence, *iterables, repeat=repeat), None )
[docs]def init_t(): """ Transformation for Sequence.init :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'init', lambda sequence: sequence[:-1], {ExecutionStrategies.PRE_COMPUTE} )
[docs]def tail_t(): """ Transformation for Sequence.tail :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'tail', lambda sequence: islice(sequence, 1, None), None )
[docs]def inits_t(wrap): """ Transformation for Sequence.inits :param wrap: wrap children values with this :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'inits', lambda sequence: [wrap(sequence[:i]) for i in reversed(range(len(sequence) + 1))], {ExecutionStrategies.PRE_COMPUTE} )
[docs]def tails_t(wrap): """ Transformation for Sequence.tails :param wrap: wrap children values with this :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'tails', lambda sequence: [wrap(sequence[i:]) for i in range(len(sequence) + 1)], {ExecutionStrategies.PRE_COMPUTE} )
[docs]def union_t(other): """ Transformation for Sequence.union :param other: sequence to union with :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'union', lambda sequence: set(sequence).union(other), None )
[docs]def intersection_t(other): """ Transformation for Sequence.intersection :param other: sequence to intersect with :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'intersection', lambda sequence: set(sequence).intersection(other), None )
[docs]def difference_t(other): """ Transformation for Sequence.difference :param other: sequence to different with :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'difference', lambda sequence: set(sequence).difference(other), None )
[docs]def symmetric_difference_t(other): """ Transformation for Sequence.symmetric_difference :param other: sequence to symmetric_difference with :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'symmetric_difference', lambda sequence: set(sequence).symmetric_difference(other), None )
[docs]def group_by_key_impl(sequence): """ Implementation for group_by_key_t :param sequence: sequence to group :return: grouped sequence """ result = {} for element in sequence: if result.get(element[0]): result.get(element[0]).append(element[1]) else: result[element[0]] = [element[1]] return six.viewitems(result)
[docs]def group_by_key_t(): """ Transformation for Sequence.group_by_key :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'group_by_key', group_by_key_impl, None )
[docs]def reduce_by_key_impl(func, sequence): """ Implementation for reduce_by_key_t :param func: reduce function :param sequence: sequence to reduce :return: reduced sequence """ result = {} for key, value in sequence: if key in result: result[key] = func(result[key], value) else: result[key] = value return six.viewitems(result)
[docs]def reduce_by_key_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.reduce_by_key :param func: reduce function :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'reduce_by_key({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(reduce_by_key_impl, func), None )
[docs]def _accumulate(sequence, func): """ Python2 accumulate implementation taken from """ iterator = iter(sequence) total = next(iterator) yield total for element in iterator: total = func(total, element) yield total
[docs]def accumulate_impl(func, sequence): # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module """ Implementation for accumulate :param sequence: sequence to accumulate :param func: accumulate function """ if six.PY3: from itertools import accumulate return accumulate(sequence, func) else: return _accumulate(sequence, func)
[docs]def accumulate_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.accumulate """ return Transformation( 'accumulate({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(accumulate_impl, func), None )
[docs]def count_by_key_impl(sequence): """ Implementation for count_by_key_t :param sequence: sequence of (key, value) pairs :return: counts by key """ counter = collections.Counter() for key, _ in sequence: counter[key] += 1 return six.viewitems(counter)
[docs]def count_by_key_t(): """ Transformation for Sequence.count_by_key :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'count_by_key', count_by_key_impl, None )
[docs]def count_by_value_impl(sequence): """ Implementation for count_by_value_t :param sequence: sequence of values :return: counts by value """ counter = collections.Counter() for e in sequence: counter[e] += 1 return six.viewitems(counter)
[docs]def count_by_value_t(): """ Transformation for Sequence.count_by_value :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'count_by_value', count_by_value_impl, None )
[docs]def group_by_impl(func, sequence): """ Implementation for group_by_t :param func: grouping function :param sequence: sequence to group :return: grouped sequence """ result = {} for element in sequence: if result.get(func(element)): result.get(func(element)).append(element) else: result[func(element)] = [element] return six.viewitems(result)
[docs]def group_by_t(func): """ Transformation for Sequence.group_by :param func: grouping function :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'group_by({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(group_by_impl, func), None )
[docs]def grouped_impl(wrap, size, sequence): """ Implementation for grouped_t :param wrap: wrap children values with this :param size: size of groups :param sequence: sequence to group :return: grouped sequence """ iterator = iter(sequence) try: while True: batch = islice(iterator, size) yield list(chain((wrap(next(batch)),), batch)) except StopIteration: return
[docs]def grouped_t(wrap, size): """ Transformation for Sequence.grouped :param wrap: wrap children values with this :param size: size of groups :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'grouped({0})'.format(size), partial(grouped_impl, wrap, size), None )
[docs]def sliding_impl(wrap, size, step, sequence): """ Implementation for sliding_t :param wrap: wrap children values with this :param size: size of window :param step: step size :param sequence: sequence to create sliding windows from :return: sequence of sliding windows """ i = 0 n = len(sequence) while i + size <= n or (step != 1 and i < n): yield wrap(sequence[i: i + size]) i += step
[docs]def sliding_t(wrap, size, step): """ Transformation for Sequence.sliding :param wrap: wrap children values with this :param size: size of window :param step: step size :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'sliding({0}, {1})'.format(size, step), partial(sliding_impl, wrap, size, step), {ExecutionStrategies.PRE_COMPUTE} )
[docs]def partition_impl(wrap, predicate, sequence): truthy_partition = [] falsy_partition = [] for e in sequence: if predicate(e): truthy_partition.append(e) else: falsy_partition.append(e) return wrap((wrap(truthy_partition), wrap(falsy_partition)))
[docs]def partition_t(wrap, func): """ Transformation for Sequence.partition :param wrap: wrap children values with this :param func: partition function :return: transformation """ return Transformation( 'partition({0})'.format(name(func)), partial(partition_impl, wrap, func), None )
[docs]def inner_join_impl(other, sequence): """ Implementation for part of join_impl :param other: other sequence to join with :param sequence: first sequence to join with :return: joined sequence """ seq_dict = {} for element in sequence: seq_dict[element[0]] = element[1] seq_kv = seq_dict other_kv = dict(other) keys = seq_kv.keys() if len(seq_kv) < len(other_kv) else other_kv.keys() result = {} for k in keys: if k in seq_kv and k in other_kv: result[k] = (seq_kv[k], other_kv[k]) return six.viewitems(result)
[docs]def join_impl(other, join_type, sequence): """ Implementation for join_t :param other: other sequence to join with :param join_type: join type (inner, outer, left, right) :param sequence: first sequence to join with :return: joined sequence """ if join_type == "inner": return inner_join_impl(other, sequence) seq_dict = {} for element in sequence: seq_dict[element[0]] = element[1] seq_kv = seq_dict other_kv = dict(other) if join_type == "left": keys = seq_kv.keys() elif join_type == "right": keys = other_kv.keys() elif join_type == "outer": keys = set(list(seq_kv.keys()) + list(other_kv.keys())) else: raise TypeError("Wrong type of join specified") result = {} for k in keys: result[k] = (seq_kv.get(k), other_kv.get(k)) return six.viewitems(result)
[docs]def join_t(other, join_type): """ Transformation for Sequence.join, Sequence.inner_join, Sequence.outer_join, Sequence.right_join, and Sequence.left_join :param other: other sequence to join with :param join_type: join type from left, right, inner, and outer :return: transformation """ return Transformation( '{0}_join'.format(join_type), partial(join_impl, other, join_type), None )