Source code for functional.streams

import re
import csv as csvapi
import json as jsonapi
import sqlite3 as sqlite3api
import builtins

from functional.execution import ExecutionEngine, ParallelExecutionEngine
from functional.pipeline import Sequence
from functional.util import is_primitive, default_value
from import get_read_function

[docs]class Stream(object): """ Represents and implements a stream which separates the responsibilities of Sequence and ExecutionEngine. An instance of Stream is normally accessed as `seq` """
[docs] def __init__(self, disable_compression=False, max_repr_items=100, no_wrap=None): """ Default stream constructor. :param disable_compression: Disable file compression detection :param no_wrap: default value of no_wrap for functions like first() or last() """ self.disable_compression = disable_compression self.max_repr_items = max_repr_items self.no_wrap = no_wrap
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, no_wrap=None, **kwargs): """ Create a Sequence using a sequential ExecutionEngine. If args has more than one argument then the argument list becomes the sequence. If args[0] is primitive, a sequence wrapping it is created. If args[0] is a list, tuple, iterable, or Sequence it is wrapped as a Sequence. :param args: Sequence to wrap :return: Wrapped sequence """ engine = ExecutionEngine() return self._parse_args( args, engine, no_wrap=default_value(no_wrap, self.no_wrap, False) )
[docs] def _parse_args(self, args, engine, no_wrap=None): _no_wrap = default_value(no_wrap, self.no_wrap, False) if len(args) == 0: return Sequence( [], engine=engine, max_repr_items=self.max_repr_items, no_wrap=_no_wrap ) if len(args) == 1: try: if type(args[0]).__name__ == "DataFrame": import pandas if isinstance(args[0], pandas.DataFrame): return Sequence( args[0].values, engine=engine, max_repr_items=self.max_repr_items, no_wrap=_no_wrap, ) except ImportError: # pragma: no cover pass if len(args) > 1: return Sequence( list(args), engine=engine, max_repr_items=self.max_repr_items, no_wrap=_no_wrap, ) elif is_primitive(args[0]): return Sequence( [args[0]], engine=engine, max_repr_items=self.max_repr_items, no_wrap=_no_wrap, ) else: return Sequence( args[0], engine=engine, max_repr_items=self.max_repr_items, no_wrap=_no_wrap, )
[docs] def open( self, path, delimiter=None, mode="r", buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, ): """ Reads and parses input files as defined. If delimiter is not None, then the file is read in bulk then split on it. If it is None (the default), then the file is parsed as sequence of lines. The rest of the options are passed directly to with the exception that write/append file modes is not allowed. >>>'examples/gear_list.txt').take(1) [u'tent\\n'] :param path: path to file :param delimiter: delimiter to split joined text on. if None, defaults to per line split :param mode: file open mode :param buffering: passed to :param encoding: passed to :param errors: passed to :param newline: passed to :return: output of file depending on options wrapped in a Sequence via seq """ if not re.match("^[rbt]{1,3}$", mode): raise ValueError("mode argument must be only have r, b, and t") file_open = get_read_function(path, self.disable_compression) file = file_open( path, mode=mode, buffering=buffering, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline, ) if delimiter is None: return self(file) else: return self("".join(list(file)).split(delimiter))
[docs] def range(self, *args): """ Alias to range function where seq.range(args) is equivalent to seq(range(args)). >>> seq.range(1, 8, 2) [1, 3, 5, 7] :param args: args to range function :return: range(args) wrapped by a sequence """ return self(builtins.range(*args)) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] def csv(self, csv_file, dialect="excel", **fmt_params): """ Reads and parses the input of a csv stream or file. csv_file can be a filepath or an object that implements the iterator interface (defines next() or __next__() depending on python version). >>> seq.csv('examples/camping_purchases.csv').take(2) [['1', 'tent', '300'], ['2', 'food', '100']] :param csv_file: path to file or iterator object :param dialect: dialect of csv, passed to csv.reader :param fmt_params: options passed to csv.reader :return: Sequence wrapping csv file """ if isinstance(csv_file, str): file_open = get_read_function(csv_file, self.disable_compression) input_file = file_open(csv_file) elif hasattr(csv_file, "next") or hasattr(csv_file, "__next__"): input_file = csv_file else: raise ValueError( "csv_file must be a file path or implement the iterator interface" ) csv_input = csvapi.reader(input_file, dialect=dialect, **fmt_params) return self(csv_input).cache(delete_lineage=True)
[docs] def csv_dict_reader( self, csv_file, fieldnames=None, restkey=None, restval=None, dialect="excel", **kwds ): if isinstance(csv_file, str): file_open = get_read_function(csv_file, self.disable_compression) input_file = file_open(csv_file) elif hasattr(csv_file, "next") or hasattr(csv_file, "__next__"): input_file = csv_file else: raise ValueError( "csv_file must be a file path or implement the iterator interface" ) csv_input = csvapi.DictReader( input_file, fieldnames=fieldnames, restkey=restkey, restval=restval, dialect=dialect, **kwds ) return self(csv_input).cache(delete_lineage=True)
[docs] def jsonl(self, jsonl_file): """ Reads and parses the input of a jsonl file stream or file. Jsonl formatted files must have a single valid json value on each line which is parsed by the python json module. >>> seq.jsonl('examples/chat_logs.jsonl').first() {u'date': u'10/09', u'message': u'hello anyone there?', u'user': u'bob'} :param jsonl_file: path or file containing jsonl content :return: Sequence wrapping jsonl file """ if isinstance(jsonl_file, str): file_open = get_read_function(jsonl_file, self.disable_compression) input_file = file_open(jsonl_file) else: input_file = jsonl_file return self(input_file).map(jsonapi.loads).cache(delete_lineage=True)
[docs] def json(self, json_file): """ Reads and parses the input of a json file handler or file. Json files are parsed differently depending on if the root is a dictionary or an array. 1) If the json's root is a dictionary, these are parsed into a sequence of (Key, Value) pairs 2) If the json's root is an array, these are parsed into a sequence of entries >>> seq.json('examples/users.json').first() [u'sarah', {u'date_created': u'08/08', u'news_email': True, u'email': u''}] :param json_file: path or file containing json content :return: Sequence wrapping jsonl file """ if isinstance(json_file, str): file_open = get_read_function(json_file, self.disable_compression) input_file = file_open(json_file) json_input = jsonapi.load(input_file) elif hasattr(json_file, "read"): json_input = jsonapi.load(json_file) else: raise ValueError( "json_file must be a file path or implement the iterator interface" ) if isinstance(json_input, list): return self(json_input) else: return self(json_input.items())
# pylint: disable=keyword-arg-before-vararg
[docs] def sqlite3(self, conn, sql, parameters=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Reads input by querying from a sqlite database. >>> seq.sqlite3('examples/users.db', 'select id, name from users where id = 1;').first() [(1, 'Tom')] :param conn: path or sqlite connection, cursor :param sql: SQL query string :param parameters: Parameters for sql query :return: Sequence wrapping SQL cursor """ if parameters is None: parameters = () if isinstance(conn, (sqlite3api.Connection, sqlite3api.Cursor)): return self(conn.execute(sql, parameters)) elif isinstance(conn, str): with sqlite3api.connect(conn, *args, **kwargs) as input_conn: return self(input_conn.execute(sql, parameters)) else: raise ValueError( "conn must be a must be a file path or sqlite3 Connection/Cursor" )
[docs]class ParallelStream(Stream): """ Parallelized version of functional.streams.Stream normally accessible as `pseq` """
[docs] def __init__( self, processes=None, partition_size=None, disable_compression=False, no_wrap=None, ): """ Configure Stream for parallel processing and file compression detection :param processes: Number of parallel processes :param disable_compression: Disable file compression detection :param no_wrap: default value of no_wrap for functions like first() or last() """ super(ParallelStream, self).__init__( disable_compression=disable_compression, no_wrap=no_wrap ) self.processes = processes self.partition_size = partition_size
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, no_wrap=None, **kwargs): """ Create a Sequence using a parallel ExecutionEngine. If args has more than one argument then the argument list becomes the sequence. If args[0] is primitive, a sequence wrapping it is created. If args[0] is a list, tuple, iterable, or Sequence it is wrapped as a Sequence. :param args: Sequence to wrap :return: Wrapped sequence """ processes = kwargs.get("processes") or self.processes partition_size = kwargs.get("partition_size") or self.partition_size engine = ParallelExecutionEngine( processes=processes, partition_size=partition_size ) return self._parse_args( args, engine, no_wrap=default_value(no_wrap, self.no_wrap, False) )
# pylint: disable=invalid-name seq = Stream() pseq = ParallelStream()